Introduction to Web Development
The first two weeks cover the fundamentals of web development, including an introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as a summary of the internet. After that, students set up their development environment, use code editors and browser developer tools, and learn version control with Git and GitHub.
Front-End Development
The foundations of HTML and CSS, including syntax, organization, and layout strategies like Flexbox and Grid, are covered in weeks three and four. Next, using media queries and mobile-first approaches, students investigate responsive web design and make sure it works on a variety of devices and browsers.
JavaScript and Front-End Frameworks
The sixth and seventh weeks are devoted to the fundamentals of JavaScript, including syntax, variables, functions, loops, and DOM manipulation. The next step is for students to investigate JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and study the foundations of front-end frameworks like Angular, Vue, and React, including how to create Single Page Applications (SPAs).
Back-End Development
In weeks nine and ten, the fundamentals of server-side programming are covered, along with back-end development using Express and Node.js and an understanding of HTTP requests and replies. After that, students investigate databases, contrasting SQL and NoSQL, and gain experience with MySQL and MongoDB in addition to developing and utilizing RESTful APIs.
Full-Stack Development
Building a full-stack application, integrating front-end and back-end services, and controlling state and data flow are the main topics of weeks twelve and thirteen. Next, the students study web hosting and deployment, applying Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) techniques, and deploying apps to cloud services like Heroku or AWS.
Project and Portfolio Development
Planning, organizing, and carrying out a full-stack project—which includes testing and debugging—take up weeks fourteen and fifteen. After that, the students concentrate on developing an online portfolio website, exhibiting their projects and abilities, and getting ready for freelance work and job interviews.
Advanced Topics and Trends
Week sixteen explores the latest web technologies and trends, including an introduction to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), WebAssembly, and Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Students gain insights into cutting-edge developments and how they impact modern web development practices.