Introduction to Web Development HTML & CSS Basics
Explore the evolution of the web and understand the core technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that build web applications.Learn to structure web pages with HTML elements and style them using CSS, including creating responsive designs for various devices.
JavaScript Fundamentals
Master the basics of JavaScript, including syntax, data types, control structures, loops, conditionals, and functions.Dive deeper into object-oriented programming, asynchronous JavaScript (callbacks, promises, async/await), and error handling techniques.
Front-End Development with React.js
Discover the basics of React, such as configuring the virtual DOM, JSX, and the environment.To create dynamic user interfaces, comprehend functional and class components, state, props, and component lifecycle.Use React Router to provide routing for single-page applications with Context API and Redux to manage application state.
Back-End Development with Node.js and Express.js
Set up the infrastructure, learn the essential modules, and write server-side JavaScript to get started with Node.js.Discover how to use Express.js to develop RESTful APIs, configure routing, and employ middleware functions.Use Mongoose to establish a connection to MongoDB, then manage the data for your application using CRUD activities.
Full-Stack Integration
Learn how to use Axios to make HTTP queries from the front end and how to use React to manage API answers. Create sign-up and login features, secure your application's routes, and use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication. Discover full-stack application deployment techniques, such as putting MERN apps on cloud servers like AWS or Herok.
Advanced Topics and Best Practices
Learn to use debugging techniques and best practices to find and fix common mistakes in your code.Recognize the use of monitoring and logging in application development to keep track of mistakes and performance problems.Learn about caching techniques and other methods for speeding up and streamlining React apps.Learn how to ensure scalability and accessibility while deploying MERN apps to cloud platforms such as AWS and Heroku. Put security measures in place to shield your application from hacker attacks and weaknesses, such as data validation and API security.
Capstone Project(Event Management System)
Develop an event management system that allows users to create, manage, and promote events. Include features like event registration, ticket sales, and event analytics.