Basic Data Structures
Focuses on essential data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and hash tables, including their operations, advantages, and limitations.
Basic Algorithms
Covers foundational algorithms including searching, sorting, and basic graph algorithms like BFS and DFS, with an emphasis on analysis of time and space complexity.
Advanced Data Structures
Explores more complex data structures such as trees (binary trees, AVL trees, B-trees), heaps, priority queues, and advanced hash structures like hashmaps and hash sets.
Advanced Algorithms
Delves into advanced algorithms such as dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, graph algorithms (Dijkstra's, Prim's, etc.), and advanced sorting algorithms (merge sort, quick sort).
String Algorithms
Focuses on algorithms for string manipulation, pattern matching (KMP, Rabin-Karp), and string processing techniques.
Algorithm Design Techniques
Covers algorithm design paradigms including divide and conquer, backtracking, greedy method, and dynamic programming, with real-world applications.
Advanced Topics in Algorithms
Explores topics like approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, and optimization techniques, including NP-hard and NP-complete problems.
Advanced Data Structures and Their Applications
Covers advanced data structures such as segment trees, Fenwick trees, disjoint-set (union-find), and their applications in solving complex problems efficiently..
Graph Algorithms and Applications
Focuses on advanced graph algorithms including network flow algorithms, graph traversal algorithms (DFS, BFS), and their applications in various domains.
Advanced Topics in Data Structures
Explores topics like persistent data structures, spatial data structures (quad trees, kd-trees), and data structures for specialized applications (like union-find for disjoint-set operations).
Emerging Trends and Applications
Examines emerging trends such as algorithms for big data, parallel and distributed algorithms, and their applications in modern computing environments.